Thursday, 26 February 2009
Friday, 20 February 2009
How to gain back LOST CONFIDENCE.
Tips & Warnings
- Don't compare yourself to others to highlight your shortcomings.
- Nobody is perfect, so don't make perfection your goal. The goal is to feel good about yourself in your own skin and being true to yourself.
- Get involved in an activity or exercise program. This is great for the body and mind.
- There is a difference between confidence and arrogance!
- Be realistic in your expectations - what you expect from yourself as well as what you expect from others.
Engraved By Scoffer III at 11:43 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Lunar Gravity [LG] practice xp

Engraved By Scoffer III at 7:05 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
too lazeyyyy to type..
hmm.. ngaleehhh waaa~
just wanna post this photo.
rindu ku doing this.. lama dah waa nda ku LG-ing aa. :(
Engraved By Scoffer III at 9:12 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
today was so tiring macam tyre.. apakan haha. lame eh. macam halim. apakan majal. btw, halim's back! our manager.. PPB's manager. huhu! (huhu as in happy) xD putih mukanya aa. pakai facial product apa kau lim? xp adeyh~
hmm.. apa ada tadi aa?
owh yeaa.. aku inda hantar semua homework ku tadi. hahaha. xD
kay bye.
nadawah. hehe.
today's marching band beri banci. idk why. pasal aku kena banci kali. ntah eh. i was chosen to play one of the snare bah masa marching aa.. semangat apa dah beli drumsticks baru.. but. huh~ knapa trus2 macam aku kena jadi kan reserve pulang. terhina ku rasanya :'( adeyh sadis bunyinya. haha xp tapi banar waa. junior ku tepulang main ne.. daymmmnn~! i know~ apa jua diri ne, kelmarin aku nda dtg, sal salah ku jua kan. daymnn eh. banci ku demam ne. hancur waa smua olehnya! paksa ta nunggu orang nda main (balik) tadi brutah ku main snare aa, lain rasaku.. macam inda kena invite waa. asi2 plng rasanya.
after the marching band practice, i have to balikkan the snare back to the lecture theatre.. sakit leher ku aa angkat snare aa. panat. napa tia ku lamah ne? pasal demam jua kan! esssh.. hmmm.. jauh lagi tu! essshh! kata2 aku aa xD haha
ehh, aku jumpa deena/rosie di lecture theatre aa. haha. ia ikut choir. sejak bila? xp mesti ada cgu tedengar masa ia nyanyi di rah arcade mall tu. haha.. Geeeeeeeemilaaaaaaaaang~! haha
then, canteen lepak2 jap meliat grul and ayyub main chess... sambil belajar. hehe.. btw, kalah yubb.. xp wuuuuu~ haha.. kakaku lama dah nunggu aku rah parking aa. haha.. masih jua ku lepak. biartia eh, alum jua ia misscall.. xD
dah 4.30 barutah ku berintak (begarak) balik. salam LG rah smua org . then chow! x)
p/s: jaz, aku baru tau tu. :)
p/s/2: kalah yubb! hahah.. wuuuuuu~ xp majal. hehe
p/s/3: banarnya aku nda mau balik awal wah, aku nunggu rosie abis choir. hee xD batah ku na lepak sama ia.. nadawah jaz. lepak ja. xD tapi kesian jua kakaku ne batah ia nunggu dah.
p/s/4: mksud ku junior tu, bukan junior dalam school band tu, if school band, ku msih junior plng. ehe.
p/s/5: guys, thanks aa yang worry bout my health tu.. but.. no worries aiite, im okay ;)
Engraved By Scoffer III at 5:55 pm 0 comments